Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Version 1.1 of iStayHealthy Submitted

A new version of iStayHealthy (v1.1) has been submitted to Apple AppStore today. I am now waiting for the app to be reviewed.
As announced earlier the new app will have a number of new features
  1. add CD4% values to your results
  2. users can now edit the results even after they entered them. Reason for this is that sometimes results don't arrive all at the same time.
  3. HIV Medication table is completely reworked and lists all licensed HIV drugs with pictures.
  4. In the HIV Drugs section, users can click on their selected drugs and make a note in case they forget to take them. THis will also show up in the charts.
  5. Also updated the layout of all views and charts
Let's wait and see what Apple will say.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

iStayHealthy tips

iStayHealthy has powerful features to help you monitor your health
  1. Rotate your device to look at CD4 and Viral Load together
  • In standard (portrait) mode click on CD4 or Viral in the chart to look at the charts separately

  • Don't forget to take your meds. Touch the 'Alerts' tab and add an alarm from a list of licensed anit-HIV drugs.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

News on iStayHealthy

iStayHealthy - the iPhone app for HIV positive people is getting some traction.
  • check out this announcement (
  • an ad will be placed in QX Magazine (UK) - 12 May edition with a release in QX's newsletter

Here is the final list of new features/fixes for the forthcoming iStayHealthy upgrade v1.1

HIV Drugs Menu
  • The medication selection has been completely revamped. Instead of the 'wheel' users will be able to select from a list of medication, each entry containing an image of the medication, the full drug name as well as commercial name. Drugs will be divided into types such as 'combination tablets', protease inhibitors, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI/NtRTI) etc.
  • Users will be able to tap on their current medication and make a note in case they miss a dose.
Other Medication Menu
  • When creating a new 'other medication' entry, users will also be able to enter a dose in mg.
  • The list with 'Other Medication' has been redesigned as some of the longer drug names got truncated.
Results Menu
  • Users will be able to enter the CD4 percentage (CD4/CD8 ratio) as well as the CD4 cell count result
Charts Menu
  • the chart section in portrait mode will show 3 sections, CD4, CD4% and Viral Load.
  • in landscape mode users will be able to select between CD4/Viral Load and CD4%/Viral Load.
  • the Viral Load vertical axis will get an indicator for 'undetectable'. The maximum value for Viral Load will be limited to 1000000 (instead of 10000000).
Info Menu
  • Completely revamped and redesigned. Will include a number of additional info instead of just CD4 and Viral Load.

The new version is currently being finalised and tested and should be submitted to the Apple AppStore end of May.