Friday, 19 October 2012

iStayHealthy version 3.2.1 issues

I have spent a lot of time talking to users who experience iStayHealthy crashes - after they upgraded to version 3.2.1

There seems to be a common thread relating to iStayHealthy trying to sync up with iCloud.
After talking to users, the following workaround seems to resolve the issue:

  • go to the 'Settings' menu on your Home Screen
  • select the iCloud option if it is available
  • in there scroll down until you see 'Documents & Data'
  • check if 'Documents & Data' is set to 'On'
  • if it is 'OFF' - try changing it to 'On'
In the meantime, I am working hard to resolve this issue as quickly as possible

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

iStayHealthy version 3.2.1 problems

It looks like version 3.2.1 iStayHealthy for iOS still has some issues. The problems may look like this:

  • the app starts. After a while the data seem to disappear.
  • in a couple of cases users reported that the app crashes
The problem is still related to the syncing between the app and iCloud. 
The first syncing will take a bit longer. This may result in the data charts and results table not being refreshed properly.

Incidentally, when you restart the phone and app, the data reappear. 

I am really sorry about the problems and I will continue working on a solution.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

iStayHealthy 3.2.1 for iOS published

Just got word from Apple, that they approved my latest upgrade to iStayHealthy. Version 3.2.1 has a number of bug fixes. I also worked hard to get iStayHealthy working again on iOS 6 devices that have iCloud enabled.
The new version was approved on 16 Oct - and it should be available on iTunes shortly.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Upgrades for iStayHealthy

I had to submit upgrades for iStayHealthy - both for iOS (iPhone) and Android recently.

A couple of users reported that iStayHealthy would hang after they updated their device to iOS version 6. This happened when they had iCloud enabled at the same time.
I submitted an upgrade to Apple on 7 Oct that should hopefully address that - and also includes other bug fixes and improvements.
Apple should be reviewing the new version shortly.

just a very minor - but important none the less - update. Version 2.0.8 was just uploaded to Google Play today 13 Oct. The new version includes the new combination drug Stribild in the mediation list.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

iStayHealthy 3.2.0, iOS6 and iCloud

iStayHealthy version 3.2.0 for iOS has been released mid-September. It has a load of new features in it including

  • additional results for saving (cholesterol, blood sugar, weight, blood pressure, cell count)
  • more intuitive menu to store side effects/missed medication
  • store previous anti HIV meds
  • and some more stuff

Just after 3.2.0 was released, Apple made its new iOS version (iOS version 6) public. I have been testing iStayHealthy on iOS 6 and so far it seems to be fine.


One user reported that iStayHealthy hangs up/exits unexpectedly after upgrading to iOS6. I looked into it and it seems to be related to iCloud being enabled as well.
Apparently, the first time you start iStayHealthy after upgrading to iOS6 iCloud syncs up the data. But doesn't finish.

Here is what I did to get iStayHealthy started up again.
  1. Go to the Settings Menu on your Home Screen and select iCloud
  2. Choose 'Documents & Data' option.
  3. If this option is switched 'On' - set it to 'Off'.
  4. Exit the Settings Menu and restart iStayHealthy. This should now work.
  5. You may try to re-enable 'Document & Data' option for iCloud again.
In the meantime I will look for a way to ensure that the sync doesn't hang up at start-up time.