Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Release Candidate for v3 of iStayHealthy/iPhone

Finished the Release Candidate for the new iPhone/iPad version of iStayHealthy last night - after ironing out the last couple of wrinkles.
I had to cut down some of the features I planned for the new version. But more about that later. Version 3.0 will have the following

  • Password enabled: users can set a passcode to protect the app from being used by people other than themselves. This was the number one on people's wish list
  • The 'Other Med' tab has been completely reworked. It now contains
    • Other Med - as before, this records any supplementary medication users want to record. Whereas before users could only specify [mg] unit as dose, they now can choose between [g], [mg], [ml].
    • Illness/Surgery: users can now record any other illnesses or infections as well as any surgeries/procedures.
    • Clinics: allows users to enter their basic clinic details. In particular their clinic ID, contact number/web-site/e-mail. Users can contact the clinic directly from the app
  • HIV Drugs tab: some changes
    • In addition to recording any missed medication, users can also record any side effects they encounter with their HIV medication.
    • the HIV tab has been slightly changed: instead of listing each individual missed medication (or side effect) it simply shows the number of recorded missed/side effects. 
  • Results
    • Viral Load for Hepatitis C co-infections can be recorded. 
  • Overall changes to the User Interface
  • Bug Fix: some of the selected HIV drugs didn't show their images in the summary HIV tab. This has now been rectified.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Password protection for iStayHealthy

Upon popular demand I am now working on enabling password protection for iStayHealthy. I'll enable this first in the iPhone version, then the Android version.

For a while I have been resisting this step. My main rationale was: we have a lot of very sensitive data on the phone. E.g. mails, contacts, phone/SMS logs etc. If we imagine that all these apps were password enabled - it would render the usability of the phone quite cumbersome.

However, I do recognise that health data - and in particular data relating to HIV are very sensitive. Therefore, the new versions will include a Settings tool - from where users can enable password protection for the app should they so wish.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Android Maintenance version 1.0.2 on Android Market

I had to publish a maintenance update for iStayHealthy on Android today.
Version 1.0.2 addresses the following 2 issues:

  1. A possible crash when iStayHealthy is started while the phone is in landscape mode. This has been fixed. This also means that iStayHealthy can now run on tablets and later versions of Android (although the app is not optimised for tablet screen sizes).
  2. For smaller screen sizes, i.e. a density per inch of 120 or less the chart in the Charts Tab looked a bit squashed. Solution: I rearranged the Chart Tab for smaller screen sizes to allow more space for the graphics. 
Also - I submitted iStayHealthy to the Amazon Android market today. The app is currently under review.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Android version of iStayHealthy is published

I just published the first Android version of my app iStayHealthy on Android Market today.
Check out iStayHealthy on the Android Market!


The Android version has similar levels of functionality compared with its iOS counterpart.
Differences are

  • version 1.0.0 iStayHealthy for Android doesn't have DropBox backups enabled. This will come with another version
  • but version 1.0.0 iStayHealthy allows users to record side effects and not just missed medications. This is only available on Android - but I will make that available on the next iOS version, too.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Next version of iStayHealthy

The Android version of iStayHealthy is in its final testing round and should be released within the first week of November.
Time to think about further improvements for iStayHealthy. 
The next iPhone/iPad version will include the following
  • password protect/lock the application. A number of you have requested this and I will make this available with the next version
  • listing side effects. Meaning, that in addition to allowing users to put down any dates when they missed to take their medication - they will be able to list any adverse side effects they might encounter. This will be particularly useful at the beginning of the therapy
  • include more medical data in the result section: at the moment only CD4, CD4% and Viral Load. I will include a number of other blood results (like blood cell count, liver values, cholesterol)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

iStayHealthy v2.0.2 available on iTunes

The new version is now available from iTunes AppStore. With this the all the remaining iOS 5 issues should be resolved - as well as some minor improvements.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

iStayHealthy v2.0.2 Submitted to Apple

Further fixes to make iStayHealthy work smoothly on iOS 5.
I submitted another maintenance release today. This will include the following

  • Fix 1: empty cells when editing an existing Result, Alert or Other Medication.
  • Fix 2: When selecting a sound in the Add/Edit Alert tool, the sound continued to play even when exiting the tool. 
  • Fix 3: In Edit Alert - sometimes the previously selected sound wasn't ticked (checkboxed)
  • Fix 4: In Edit Alert - the time label would always show the current time - instead of the previously set alert time
In addition to that I 
  1. modified the Other Medication tool slightly. Users can now change the name as well as the dose. I did that because sometimes the same medication may come in different names - even though it still is the same drug.
  2. Cleaned up most of the graphics elements. Mostly, because they were too big. 

With this iStayHealthy should be working absolutely fine on iOS 5 - just as it did on iOS4.

iStayHealthy v2.0.1 is out and available

version 2.0.1 of iStayHealthy is out and available on iTunes as of last night.
It resolves the unexpected crashes with setting/modifying repeats and sounds for notifications/alerts.

Still, there remain a couple of niggling issues:

  • sound plays on - even if you leave the Add Alert menu
  • the edit alert menu doesn't seem to take in the data from the alert it is supposed to edit.
I will work towards a speedy resolution for these problems, too.

And hopefully, hopefully we get around all these iOS 5 issues.

iOS 5 Glitches

There seems to be a number of people experiencing problems with upgrading their iPhones/iPads/iPods to iOS5.

One of the problems I encountered is, that upgrading to iOS 5 seems to loose iStayHealthy from the apps. I wonder if other people experienced the same problem.

I then reinstalled the app. It seems that all the data I put into the app previously have been saved. So there is no need to put them in again. 

Apparently, something must have gone wrong in the upgrade/syncing process.

So - message is: if you can't find the app on your iPhone/iPad after upgrading to iOS 5. simply reinstall the app. Your data should still be there.

And as mentioned in a previous blog: don't forget to set your Notifications in the Device Settings menu - in case you have any alerts (as I do).

Sunday, 16 October 2011

What happened to my alerts on iOS5?

iOS 5  for iPhones/iPads has a new Notification Center tool. This is a very flexible tool. However, per default application alerts and notifications are disabled. This means, after you upgraded your iPhone/iPad to version iOS 5.0 you need to enable your preset alerts in the Notification Tool. 

Follow the steps below
  1. Select the 'Settings' tool on your device
  2. Select Notifications
  3. Select iStayHealthy
  4. Switch 'Notifications Center' to On 

iOS 5 hat ein neues Mitteilungen Tool. Damit alle Deine iStayHealthy Weckereinstellungen funktionieren muss dieses Tool aktiviert werden. Dieses kann mit den folgenden einfachen Schritten bewerkstelligt werden:

  1. Auf dem Home Screen klicke auf 'Einstellungen'
  2. In Einstellungen wähle Mitteilungen aus
  3. In Mitteilungen wähle iStayHealthy aus
  4. In iStayHealthy schalte den Mitteilungen Schalter auf an

Avis important: vous devrez activer des alarmes dans le nouvel outil des notifications sur votre appareil. aller à la
Réglages-> Notifications-> iStayHealthy
pour activer les alertes, les sons et la notification.


Aviso Importante: Usted necesitará para activar las alertas EN LA HERRAMIENTA DE NOTIFICACIONES nueva en el dispositivo. Ir a
Ajustes-> Notificaciones-> iStayHealthy
Para activar las alertas, los sonidos y la notificación.

iStayHealthy v 2.0.1 submitted to fix iOS5 issues

While fixing the issues with setting alerts on iStayHealthy I also revamped the Add/Edit Alert tool. It is now all in one view - rather than having to switch between separate views to set repeats and sounds.

Also, in the Charts (Summary) tool: you can now switch between CD4, CD4% and Viral Load charts by selecting the rows above - in addition to the little buttons on top of the chart.

Friday, 14 October 2011

iStayHealthy iOS5 Problems Found

As I mentioned in the last blog, iStayHealthy crashes when trying to change the default Repeats/Sounds settings in the Alerts tool.
This only happens on the new iOS5 - and it doesn't affect any existing alerts you already set on your system.

I now found what the problem is and will make a new maintenance release available within the next couple of days.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Setting Sound and Repeats on iStayHealthy for iOS 5

The new version of iOS has just been released. I upgraded my iPad this morning and tested iStayHealthy on the new version of iOS.

iStayHealthy works as before, except for 2 issues that I found on iOS 5. Both of them occur when setting/modifying alarms.

  1. When adding/editing an alert: I changed the default/preset Repeats setting. When selecting a different Repeat the app exits unexpectedly.
  2. When adding/editing an alert I changed the default/preset Sound setting. When selecting a different sound file the app exits unexpectedly.
Other functions of setting alerts are not affected, i.e. you can still set the label and time.

In view of that I will put out a maintenance release to fix this issue.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Test run on Android device

As announced earlier, I am currently working to port iStayHealthy to Android. Most of the functionality is there. So today I took the plunge and installed it on an actual device. The device in question is a Nexus One (HTC).

Result: the implemented functions work. Layout is not quite the same as on emulator -  so this still needs some work to make it actually look nice.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Version 2 Has Passed Review

Just got notified that version 2 of iStayHealthy has passed Apple's review and will be uploaded to iTunes. The new version should be available for download within the next 24 hours or so.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Version 2 submitted to Apple

After a final round of testing and a small glitch in the submission process, I managed to submit the latest version of iStayHealthy (version 2.0.0) to Apple. It is now waiting for review and I hope it will be approved (soon).

A summary of the changes and any new features
  1. French, Spanish and German version added. 
  2. The list of Anti-retroviral treatment has been cleaned up and made more consistent. Some images had to be replaced as they were outdated. Two new medications were added (edurant, complera) as they were approved by the US this year (2011). Triomune was taken off the list.
  3. Clean-up of some terminologies.
  4. For the English, Spanish and French version a link to POZ magazine has been added (see below). For the German version a link to Deutsche AIDS Hilfe has been provided.
  5. The 'Charts' tab has a new button on the left side. Clicking this, users will be able to
    • save/restore their data from their iOS device to their DropBox account
    • e-mail their data to someone else
    • send an e-mail to me with feedback/suggestions

POZ magazine is the leading magazine for people concerned about HIV, living with HIV, caring for people with HIV. It is published in the US - but has a much wider ranging audience.
After talking to POZ magazine, we agreed that it would be great if iStayHealthy could provide a link to POZ magazine - which has now been included with the latest version. 

Friday, 9 September 2011

Localisation for Version 2 Done

Had a Localisation Blitz on iStayHealthy version 2 this week. The German version is finished. Today I polished off the Spanish and French version. What's left is dotting the i's and crossing the t's and the new version is ready to go. Planned submission date Mon 12 Sep. Probably will take a few days before Apple add their seal of approval.

Luckily, Localisation/Internationalisation is straight-forward in iOS (and Android). So, the next thing is to add a few more languages. A friend of mine helped me with an Italian version. A Portuguese version is also planned. But I also think it would be useful to add Asian languages, in particular Japanese, Chinese, Korean.

I found a translation web-site that finally managed to produce some good results: http://mygengo.com/
For a reasonable fee you get a decent translation pretty quickly. Recommended.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

What's in a Logo?

When I started the app my first draft included an icon with a simple red ribbon. Easy to recognise. HIV being sadly still as stigmatised as it is, some people were seriously concerned that it would identify them as HIV positive people by only looking at the phone.
Hence the logo I eventually published the app with.

However, this logo still contains the '+ve' at the bottom right corner. Small as it is - it may still cause concern (and indeed did in some users).

Therefore, the '+ve' text will disappear in version 2.0. I hope this will address the concerns.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

iStayHealthy is approved DropBox App

I am now getting close to releasing iStayHealthy version 2. Just got words that DropBox approved it as a production app - which now allows me to distribute iStayHealthy as an iPhone/DropBox app.

This will allow users to backup/restore their data to and from DropBox with the new version of the app. Why DropBox and not iCloud?
Well - firstly, iCloud is not yet public (but it will be enabled in iStayHealthy once it is). And secondly, mobile users may not want to stay with Apple forever. What if they want to switch to another phone platform? Solutions like DropBox allows us to save data independent of what mobile device we use.

Some users also said they would like to send their results/data per e-mail. So I included this feature in version 2 as well. The data will be send as an attachment (in csv - i.e. comma separated values), which can be easily imported into programs such as Excel.

At this stage I am going through the translations for the language versions: French, Spanish, German and Italian. I haven't managed to get it translated into Portuguese yet.

Finally, I teamed up with POZ magazine . POZ magazine is the leading magazine for people living with HIV and they provide plenty of info and support.

Friday, 5 August 2011

iStayHealthy version 2 coming this autumn

I am currently working on version 2 for iStayHealthy.
Version 2 will be a major step from versions 1.x

  • localised versions in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese
  • Hepatitis C is a major concern for people with HIV. Therefore, HepC results (viral loads) will be added to the results/chart section
  • Clinical contacts will be added
  • You will be able to make some notes about side-effects or anything else that happened with your HIV medication
  • you will be able to backup/restore your data from your iPhone/iPad/iPod to DropBox
  • you will be able to backup/restore/sync your data to Apple's new iCloud
And finally:
  • there will be an Android version of iStayHealthy (for Android version 2.x devices)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Problems with switching languages on iPhone Simulator?

There are some pitfalls when you start localising your iPhone app. Let's say you followed the guidebook by the letter:
  • you create a Localizable.strings file - and add one for each language.
  • you replace all your "hardwired" strings in the program with NSLocalizableString(keyString, commentString).
  • you then create localised XIB files.
  • you've done all the adjustments.
  • you then clean the project build
  • and rebuild from scratch.
And then you run it on the iPhone Simulator (or your testing device). When changing the language of the device from English to - say German - what happens?
Still only one language is shown - the one you started with.

Well - there is one obvious way to enforce it:
  • delete the app from the iPhone Simulator or your iOS testing device
  • clean, build and reinstall
Voila - the language switching now works.
Unfortunately, all previously saved data are now lost. My app e.g. uses SQLite - and un/re-installing the app means we start from scratch. Sucks, doesn't it? You definitely don't want the user to let this happen to them - or there will be a lot of VERY unhappy bunnies out there.

Apparently, this is a known issue in XCode. Read the following entry:
The upshot of this blog seems to be that the AppStore installation does the right thing. Meaning, users can continue using their app and the language switching works out of the box.
The only way of testing this - prior to submission to iTunes - would be to install your app as ad-hoc application and see what happens.

Localizing iStayHealthy

Some gotcha's for localising iPhone apps:

In principle it is straight forward
  1. localise your NIB files (all ending .xib)
  2. localise your strings by putting them into a single .strings file
  3. localise any graphics etc.
What I found is
  • localising strings in .strings file. I experimented with different names. But only the default name - Localizable.strings - worked. Initially I used Localize.strings and the app didn't pick up any of them.
  • Making it work on Simulator takes a bit effort: a.) delete the app on the simulator, b.) in XCode clean your project and rebuild c.) install clean up in Simulator.
  • When switching the language in the Simulator, make sure that the App isn't running in XCode - it will crash otherwise
PS: iPhone Simulator works just like iOS devices. But here is a quick recap of how to delete apps and how to change language settings

Delete Apps on iPhone Simulator
  1. open Simulator
  2. click on the app on your home screen and keep the mouse/tap pressed down.
  3. the app will start to 'wobble' (as it would if you keep pressing on a real iOS device)
  4. hit the (X) button in the upper left corner.
  5. click ok when asked whether you want to delete it from the Simulator
Change Language on iPhone Simulator
  1. open Simulator
  2. go to home screen 'Settings' app
  3. select General->International->Language
  4. there change the language

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Android version of iStayHealthy

The demands for an Android version of iStayHealthy have been growing steadily. Hardly surprising - as Android is a fast growing and increasingly popular mobile platform.
Already it has overtaken Symbian - for a long while front runner as far as smartphone platforms are concerned.

Porting applications from one platform to another is not simply a matter of copy & paste. Android is fundamentally different to iOS (iPhone). So the application will need to be revamped to cater for a different environment.

Luckily Google has made development for Android easy. E.g. there is the programming environment - which is Java and XML. Both standard languages (as opposed to Objective-C which is more or less used only by Apple).

I'll start work on the Android version within the next couple of days. I anticipate it'll take me the summer to get it done. So this year should see iStayHealthy both on Android and iOS platforms.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Give It Up

Just released a new iPhone app on iTunes. Give It Up.
Give It Up is an app commissioned by the Terrence Higgins Trust - the leading HIV charity in the UK.

Give It Up connects users up with Terrence Higgins Trust
  • through its Web-site (tht.org.uk)
  • through its Helpline (THT Direct) - (+44) 0808 802 1221 (free from within the UK)
  • through its Facebook page
Oh and users can also support the Trust by donating £1 directly from the app.
(a feature enabled through Just Giving)

The Terrence Higgins Trust is a registered Charity in the UK
Reg. England & Wales: 288527
Reg. Scotland SC09986

Sunday, 12 June 2011

iStayHealthy versions 1 And Beyond

After recent upgrades to iStayHealthy this is what's going to happen next:
  • localised versions. My initial plan is to bring out a German version, followed by French and Spanish.
  • how to sync your iStayHealthy data with other devices? Let's be honest: in today's market we hardly stay with one device for more than 2 years (if that long). Also, we may have more than one. So how can I share my iStayHealthy data with all new and extra mobile devices? Part of the answer lies in Apple's recent announcement of iCloud. Apple being Apple, iCloud promises to sync data/documents from iPhone (iOS) apps seamlessly . The other part of the solution is to choose another cloud service, that makes users independent from Apple's services - e.g. in case they want to move to say Android.
  • Talking of Android: yes, there will be an Android version of iStayHealthy. Anticipated launch will be towards the end of this year.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Saturday, 4 June 2011

iStayHealthy 1.1.1 Submitted today

I submitted a new maintenance release of iStayHealthy today. This addresses the following issues:
  1. 'Undetectable' Viral Loads didn't show up in the viral load charts. Fixed.
  2. 'Undetectable' text font changed in charts to make it more readable.
  3. Adding a non-HIV drug in 'Other Meds' - the start date cell didn't work. Fixed.
  4. Adding an alert - changing the label text reverted to the original after changing Repeats or Sounds. This is fixed, and the label text remains.
  5. Changing the alert: the sound file name had its file extension (.caf) added. This could lead to multiple additions, e.g. xylophone.caf.caf. This has been fixed, and no extension is added.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

iStayHealthy 1.1 available on iTunes

The new version (1.1) of iStayHealthy is now available for download from iTunes. As mentioned before the new version has a number of improvements:
  • medication list (HIV drugs) is completely reworked. Each medication is listed with a photo for ease of identification. Users can also select all the combination drugs they have been prescribed in one.
  • Make a note in case you forget to take your medication. Simply click on your HIV drugs in the HIV drugs tab and enter the date when you forgot to take them. A feature you hopefully won't need to make use of.
  • CD4 % is now listed as well as CD4 count and Viral Load.

Known issues:
There are 2 minor issues that crept into the last version.
  1. undetectable Viral Loads will not show up in the charts.
  2. when adding other (non HIV) medication the Date cell doesn't bring up the date selector.
I fixed both issues and will submit a maintenance release (v1.1.1) to Apple iTunes within the next couple of days.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Version 1.1 of iStayHealthy Submitted

A new version of iStayHealthy (v1.1) has been submitted to Apple AppStore today. I am now waiting for the app to be reviewed.
As announced earlier the new app will have a number of new features
  1. add CD4% values to your results
  2. users can now edit the results even after they entered them. Reason for this is that sometimes results don't arrive all at the same time.
  3. HIV Medication table is completely reworked and lists all licensed HIV drugs with pictures.
  4. In the HIV Drugs section, users can click on their selected drugs and make a note in case they forget to take them. THis will also show up in the charts.
  5. Also updated the layout of all views and charts
Let's wait and see what Apple will say.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

iStayHealthy tips

iStayHealthy has powerful features to help you monitor your health
  1. Rotate your device to look at CD4 and Viral Load together
  • In standard (portrait) mode click on CD4 or Viral in the chart to look at the charts separately

  • Don't forget to take your meds. Touch the 'Alerts' tab and add an alarm from a list of licensed anit-HIV drugs.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

News on iStayHealthy

iStayHealthy - the iPhone app for HIV positive people is getting some traction.
  • check out this announcement (www.massage33.com)
  • an ad will be placed in QX Magazine (UK) - 12 May edition with a release in QX's newsletter

Here is the final list of new features/fixes for the forthcoming iStayHealthy upgrade v1.1

HIV Drugs Menu
  • The medication selection has been completely revamped. Instead of the 'wheel' users will be able to select from a list of medication, each entry containing an image of the medication, the full drug name as well as commercial name. Drugs will be divided into types such as 'combination tablets', protease inhibitors, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI/NtRTI) etc.
  • Users will be able to tap on their current medication and make a note in case they miss a dose.
Other Medication Menu
  • When creating a new 'other medication' entry, users will also be able to enter a dose in mg.
  • The list with 'Other Medication' has been redesigned as some of the longer drug names got truncated.
Results Menu
  • Users will be able to enter the CD4 percentage (CD4/CD8 ratio) as well as the CD4 cell count result
Charts Menu
  • the chart section in portrait mode will show 3 sections, CD4, CD4% and Viral Load.
  • in landscape mode users will be able to select between CD4/Viral Load and CD4%/Viral Load.
  • the Viral Load vertical axis will get an indicator for 'undetectable'. The maximum value for Viral Load will be limited to 1000000 (instead of 10000000).
Info Menu
  • Completely revamped and redesigned. Will include a number of additional info instead of just CD4 and Viral Load.

The new version is currently being finalised and tested and should be submitted to the Apple AppStore end of May.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Test Drive of new version

I had a test drive with the new version of iStayHealthy yesterday - on my iPod touch. The new medication list in the HIV Drugs tab looks good.

But the new version is going to look like a major upgrade now - following the good suggestions I got from users so far.

Looking likely to be May for the next release date.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

iStayHealthy is 1 Month Old

It's been a month since I made iStayHealthy available for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch users on the AppStore.

Since, then ca 250 people downloaded it and I got some good feedback so far.
And while I am busy getting ready for the new and improved version, it'd be great if you could leave a comment on iTunes.
Here is the link to iStayHealthy on iTunes/AppStore:

Sunday, 27 March 2011

What's going to be in the next version of iStayHealthy?

Thanks to all who sent me their very helpful and constructive comments. Although I will not be able to implement everything that has been suggested the new version will include a number of significant improvements:

  • Changes will be made to the way anti-HIV medication is selected in the 'HIV Drugs' tab.
  • Changes will be made to the chart. I want to make 'undetectable' (Viral Load) and medication thresholds (CD4) a bit more explicit.
  • Changes will be made to the 'info' section. It will be redesigned to make room for explaining a few more terms - and in a more obvious way.
A newer version should be out soon.
With Android being ever more popular as a mobile device platform my next project will be to port iStayHealthy to Android devices.
In the meantime, here is the link of iStayHealthy on iTunes

Thursday, 3 March 2011

iStayHealthy is Approved and Available

Hi all,
great news. iStayHealthy is now available on iTunes - after Apple put its seal of approval on it.
You can find the application on the following link http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/istayhealthy/id422663813?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Saturday, 26 February 2011

User info for iStayHealthy

I hope that my iStayHealthy app for people with HIV is straight-forward and relatively self explanatory. However, here a quick summary in case you wonder how to use it - and the results you may get back.

  • Chart tab: click on either CD4 to see your CD4 results. Click on Viral get the chart for your Viral Load results. Rotate your device to get both CD4 count and Viral Load together. Click the 'i' button to get a brief explanation of what CD4 counts and Viral Load results mean.
  • Results tab: shows each individual result with the most recent first and the earliest last. Click the '+' sign to add a result and result date.
  • HIV Drugs tab: lists your current HIV medication. Click the '+' sign to add a new medication. When adding medication a picker will give you a choice of currently licensed medication. If you have medication not listed there (for instance HIV medication on trial) you may want to type the name in the field 'Drug Name'.
  • Alerts tab: shows the list of your current alerts. Click the '+' button to add an alert. You can select the repeats, alert label, and select from a list of sounds.
  • Other Meds tab: I added this to allow HIV patients add any other non-HIV related medication.
Some tips
  1. All but the Charts tab have an 'Edit' button that allows you to delete individual results, drugs, alerts. This is only meant in case you accidentally entered the wrong dates/data. Otherwise I would not recommend deleting drugs or results. iStayHealthy shows the progression of HIV with and without treatment. Say you will have to change your medication. The charts will show each time you add new HIV medication. This will help you monitor how effective the drugs are in terms of CD4 count and viral loads.
  2. Undetectable: when adding a CD4/viral load result you have the option of selecting 'undetectable'. iStayHealthy will then show a text 'undetectable' instead of the actual viral load value. In the Viral Load chart - the viral load value will drop down to the x-axis. This might indicate a value of 0. However, it is important you realise that 'undetectable' does NOT mean HIV is no longer in your body. Rather it means your HIV level is significantly suppressed - so much so that your immune system has a chance to recover.
  3. The Viral Load markers in the charts follow a logarithmic scale. This means instead of 1000 you will see 10^3. Instead of 1000000 you will see 10^6. only values showing 10 and 100 are shown as their natural integer values.
  4. adding alerts: if you want to change the times/label/sound click on the listed alerts and change the settings. Example: you choose an alert to be repeated 2x per day. iStayHealthy will then fire the alert exactly every 12 hours. If you want to change that edit each of the 2 alerts and change the time.
Sound files:
I have used the SMS default alert sound provided with iOS. In addition to that I included a small set of alternative sound files, which I purchased from iTunes (ringtones).

Thursday, 24 February 2011


I created an iOS application for people living with HIV called iStayHealthy. It works on iPhone/iPod touch and iPad version 4.x onwards.

5 tabs are provided which allow users to
  • view charts showing the progression of CD4 and Viral Load blood results.
  • add blood results
  • add HIV treatment
  • add HIV treatment alerts
  • add other non-HIV related medication
In portrait mode the Chart tab shows either CD4 or Viral Load.

In landscape mode both charts are shown.