Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Version 2 submitted to Apple

After a final round of testing and a small glitch in the submission process, I managed to submit the latest version of iStayHealthy (version 2.0.0) to Apple. It is now waiting for review and I hope it will be approved (soon).

A summary of the changes and any new features
  1. French, Spanish and German version added. 
  2. The list of Anti-retroviral treatment has been cleaned up and made more consistent. Some images had to be replaced as they were outdated. Two new medications were added (edurant, complera) as they were approved by the US this year (2011). Triomune was taken off the list.
  3. Clean-up of some terminologies.
  4. For the English, Spanish and French version a link to POZ magazine has been added (see below). For the German version a link to Deutsche AIDS Hilfe has been provided.
  5. The 'Charts' tab has a new button on the left side. Clicking this, users will be able to
    • save/restore their data from their iOS device to their DropBox account
    • e-mail their data to someone else
    • send an e-mail to me with feedback/suggestions

POZ magazine is the leading magazine for people concerned about HIV, living with HIV, caring for people with HIV. It is published in the US - but has a much wider ranging audience.
After talking to POZ magazine, we agreed that it would be great if iStayHealthy could provide a link to POZ magazine - which has now been included with the latest version. 

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